Thursday, 13 March 2008

Eurika: Location/Travel Detection works!

Visualizing Data Book Arrived

Had a scan through it, lots of example code to do things so good :).

Last two weeks

Last two weeks have been on the crazy side, especially last week. I was working on how to classify the location and travel from the raw GPS data, which ended up following this pattern :
  • change some code/constant to determine the values for when location is changing/travel
  • run the algorithm
  • look at output and the actual database and see what was not detected, whats correct, etc. Repeat

Ended up making progress this week, after meeting with Daragh from CDVP and Aiden. They suggested windowing approach in trying to normalise the data that I had (which was one of my main problems, ignoring 5 min stop in traffic while travelling, and just counting it). More on this later.

It works!

The table showing the output for a certain day and the same location/travel boundaries. They numbers are keys to the raw GPS data when it starts and ends:

Running the algorithm(couple hundred lines in pl/sql):
  1. Starting off at my house, leaving my house at key id 6751. Looking at where this coordinate is at, its around 50-100meters from my house, less than a minutes drive.
  2. Taking a point close towards the end of travel, 6828, which is "53.47265, -6.20259"
  3. 6091, is me being in DCU' car park 2: 53.38712 ,-6.26106
  4. Checking few coordinates back, 6897 is 53.38604 , -6.25649.
    I'm driving in to DCU. So where it detected the end of travel is accurate within couple of points!
  5. 7707,53.38575 , -6.25719 me walking abouts DCU. Same location
  6. The rest of the time within that range, I'm around DCU area
  7. The few points beside the end of the transition, I'm around DCU car park. Its not till 8506 that I'm leaving DCU properly, but the fast speed detected the change fine.
  8. Now the moment of truth, will it detect me going to the Porter House north properly:
    THe travel stage is detected as 6755 - 6901, which I have shown as its accurate for when I left DCU.
    Showing GPS data for me leaving DCU and driving to Porter House North:

  9. 8518, 53.36735, -6.27054, I have still not arrived.
  10. 8519, 53.36735 , -6.27055 , still not there
  11. 8520, 53.36547 , -6.27167, very close, but still on the road this is where the boundary got detected.
  12. 8524, arrived, and parked my car. The rest of the coordinates jump around few meters to each side due to GPS not being accurate. The detected stopped of travel was within 4 coordinates taken, out by 90 seconds! I'm happy with that if it works this well the rest of the time.
  13. Leaving the place 8868, again, within few coordinates of when I'm actually beginning to travel properly.
Fairly happy with this, still lots of work to be made, but I'm making progress. Its slow but decent progress made over the last 2 weeks.

The project blog deadline is 24th March, I'm away all of next week so I'm not sure I'll have time to update on this more. As I previously mentioned, checking how accurate is very time consuming(even more documenting it on the blog! this post took me well over an hour of constant working!) Still loads of work to be done and time is running out, especially with all the assignments that we're getting!

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