Sunday 30 March 2008

Behind Schedule, new plan

New Plan

I'm slightly behind schedule, I only started the location segmentation when it should have been completed! Now I don't really have much time for Bluetooth familiarity and presentation, and now have a new part to do too!

Here is a revised Gantt chart for the 4 major milestones I have to do:

  • Django UI: Web interface which allows you to navigate the collected data, working on this for the next few weeks.
    Validation: During this time,I'll need to get some of my friends to evaluate it and adjust it according to their comments.
  • Event Notification: Enter the event you want to be reminded of on Nokia tablet or the web interface, and the event will be reminded. 2 weeks for this. I'll need to take a look libosso library in maemo for dbus notifications and figure out how beep sounds.
  • Visualisation: Try to make some sort of interactive cut down version to navigate this data
  • Finally: Documentation
Its going to be fairly few hectic few weeks as I try to finish this on top of trying to catch up on my other subjects that I have been neglecting and also to do other assignments!


As I already mentioned, I'll get my friends to use the Django web interface and adjust accord to their comments.

I'm also considering to giving the whole device to one of my friends for couple of days to get them to collect their data and see how well it works, and incorporate any changes they will make. As so far I have been the only person using the device.


The way the project is changing, is its becoming a framework of life log data. I'll develop two applications for an example, life log browser and context aware reminder.

Other potential uses for what I have developed so far could be:
  • Automatically setting a mobile phone profile settings to silent with certain conditions, for example lecturers phone is detected or in DCU, and changing the profile back to normal when the location is left.
  • Plug in for the likes of twitter which posts up the location every time it changes... or even a blog!
  • If this system is implemented for everyone working in a certain office; if all the workers general location is transmitted to a central server, various things can be done with this:
    • Working hours time tracking, instead of using swipe cards, manually logging.
    • General people in the office availability - to show if not in the office at all today, or only gone out temporarily
    • Similar to the previous point, the PBX could be integrated with this and if the person is not available, the call could be redirected to someone else or even the mobile phone of that person, without setting it up manually or letting it ring throughout for a certain amount of time.
  • More to be added, when I think of them

That is all

This is most likely going to be the last post as the blogs will not be evaluated after tomorrow. Thanks to everyone who read this with my 'essay' type posts!

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