Monday 11 February 2008

Location Based Services

I ended up stumbling on GypSii just now. It seems interesting and they have a youtube demo of the features provided:

They don't seem to deal with automatically detecting places, just letting users adding the current place and a description of it(along with a photo), and just letting you search how close by your friends are. Interesting ideas, but the location detection seems to be very simple, I can't see from a quick look does it detect revisited places or not.

From viewing this, I'm beginning to consider trying to do more things on the Nokia tablet, it has WiFi so I could have internet access on it on unprotected networks, or even trying to get a 3G phone and using that for connection. Not sure, need to consider the project direction further. But for now I have plenty of other things that I need to get working.

Basic GUI

Spent yesterday messing around with PyGTK trying to make up a simple graphical GUI to display the current GPS data and phones detected on the Nokia tablet. I have very basic prototype working, now I just need to clean it up and integrate it.

The way it currently works in that the GUI listens for incoming TCP connection from the collection daemon with the latest data, once it receives it, the GUI is updated. The collection daemon just tries to connect to GUI TCP port if it succeeds, the GUI is running and the data is sent, otherwise no GUI so it just continues whatever its doing. Oh, and need to write an init.d script and daemonize the collection program.

No progress on the postgis yet, but I'm getting a project machine in the labs and will set it up there, hopefully will have Ubuntu installed on it today.

Will update later once I have made more progress.

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